1.     What made you decide to become a CASA?

I love volunteering with children.  Kids in foster care are such a vulnerable part of our society. I had volunteered with kids in foster care before and I wanted to make a bigger commitment to helping them. CASA was the perfect role. 

2.     What is your professional/volunteer background?

I have been a CASA since June 2015 - so almost 3 years.  I’m also a mentor to 3 high school girls in FWISD schools.  I’m a Certified Public Accountant and work as a Tax Manager at Interstate Batteries.

3.     What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA?

Being a CASA is a very unique volunteer role.  When I was deciding to become a CASA I met with a current CASA for coffee.  She explained the role and the rewards/challenges.  I’d recommend potential CASAs do the same — talk with someone who is or has been a CASA to understand the program and purpose.  

4.     What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA?

Being a CASA can be an emotional rollercoaster!  But these kids deserve someone who is willing to ride the rollercoaster to help them end up in safe, stable environments.  I have become a better, stronger person because of the challenges I have faced as a CASA.

5.     What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA?

The most rewarding part of being a CASA is knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of the kids on my case.  They have caseworkers, therapists, foster parents, etc. change, but I’m always there.  I am the consistent face in their lives throughout their case.  I love these kids!  They are such amazing kids and I am inspired by how they’ve handled the difficult situation of being in foster care. 

6.     Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case.

I often play board games with my CASA kids that I use to play as a kid, such as Sorry, PIT and Guess Who?.  Guess Who? is their favorite!  I have played with kids as young as 6 all the way to 16.  Having fun with the kids has helped us to bond.  All my CASA kids will always have a special place in my heart.  

7.     Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or your CASA experience?

It can be a challenging at times, but it’s worth it!

Emily Mauzy has been on a six child case for over 18 months. Not only does Emily meet and go above every minimum expectation, she has a very good relationship with each child’s teacher. Emily was instrumental in contacting an out of state relative and securing appropriate placement for one of the children when it became apparent he was going to continue to bounce from shelter to shelter if he remained in Texas. Emily has had to stay strong and trust her gut on many occasions throughout this long road of a case and had done so without wavering. I have no doubt whatever the outcome of this case that these children are better because of Emily and her advocacy. – Child Advocacy Specialist, Chelsey Statham