
What made you decide to become a CASA? I heard about CASA from a presentation at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon a few years back. When I heard of how they support children I decided that was something I would love to due once retired.

What is your professional/ volunteer background? I am a retired RN of 35 years. I spent most of my career working with mothers, infants and children in a variety of settings. I have volunteered with 6 Stones in Euless rehabbing homes, Mothers Milk Bank in Fort Worth, Cedar Creek Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head Club.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about becoming a CASA? The best of advice is to ask lots of questions. There are so many layers to the system that asking questions or getting clarification will help with learning what a CASA can and cannot do.

What has been the most challenging part of being a CASA? The most challenging is having 3 children from the same family in three different foster homes. Communicating with everyone involved is sometimes difficult.

What has been the most rewarding part of being a CASA? The most rewarding is having the foster child actually call ME and want to talk and want to resolve an issue. I was not always able to remove their issue but was able to give them ideas about what they could do.

Please share a special moment with us about your advocacy work with your CASA kid or on your case. Two of the children may be placed in a home in another state. Watching the girls interact with their cousin on a ZOOM call was very refreshing. Helping them to build a relationship with their cousin is quite rewarding.

Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the CASA experience? The only thing I did not get to experience thus far is meeting with the children face to face. I believe that contact is crucial to developing long term relationships with others, especially CASA kids!

How have you been able to connect with your CASA kids during this time of quarantine? How are you advocating for them during this time? How has it impacted the children on your case? I connect with the children by keeping up constant contact with them. We also do FaceTime and Zoom when possible. I think the children would feel a little closer to their CASA if they could see them in person.